Democratizing Synthetic Monitoring
PerfAgents is taking an innovative approach to synthetic monitoring. By removing the dependency on a custom and proprietary recording tool, PerfAgents is making the monitoring process more accessible. This means that users can utilize their existing scripts and tools to set up synthetic monitoring, reducing the learning curve and making it easier for businesses to adopt this practice.
Shifting from a static pricing model to one based on executions or monitoring runs can offer more flexibility to users. This approach allows users to pay according to their actual usage rather than a fixed price, which can be more cost-effective for businesses with varying monitoring needs.
A global infrastructure implies that PerfAgents has distributed monitoring nodes across various locations. Supporting tools like Playwright, Selenium, Puppeteer, and Cypress indicates that PerfAgents is compatible with popular open-source automation frameworks. This compatibility is advantageous for users who are already familiar with these tools, as they can seamlessly integrate their existing scripts and tests into the PerfAgents platform.
In summary, PerfAgents is aiming to simplify synthetic monitoring by offering compatibility with widely-used open-source automation tools, introducing a more flexible pricing model, and providing a global infrastructure for monitoring purposes. This approach can make it easier for businesses to set up and manage synthetic monitoring, which is crucial for ensuring the performance and reliability of their digital applications.